Saturday, March 31, 2012

Keybind Help

[:1]Greetings, Hunter community!

I have, as you can see, resurrected myself to level 80. I had a vanilla Hunter in the past who completed the Hunter class quests when they were hard in a PvP realm, in the EU side of the ocean, so I'm not exactly new to the class, but I haven't touched it (or any other class for that matter) since Lich King and would thus like some enlightenment.

Recently I have decided to overhaul my controls, and this overhaul included doing odd things such as to completely remove my action bars and use key bound macros for all my needs. Unfortunately I was presented with the same problem I am presented with every time I need to set up controls for a Hunter: there are way too many situational abilities. For this reason, I would like to ask whether any of you consider any of the following abilities worthy of a key bind, because your considerations will have a huge impact in the way I define my key binds:

* Aspect of the Pack
* Aspect of the Wild
* Raptor Strike
* Snake Trap
* Immolation Trap
* Eagle Eye

Thanks in advance!

PS: My gear and spec are whatever the game decided to give me when I chose Beast Mastery as a spec during the boosting process, I haven't touched those yet.

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