Monday, April 16, 2012

Just came back from playing need help (PVP)

Hi, I haven't played in a year and I was big into pvp back when cata came out and I want to get back into it. Was wondering what macros, talents, gear/stats I should be aiming for these days. If anyone could help get me on the right path it'd be very much appreciated, thanks.
/cast !Aspect of the Hawk

and fox

/stopcasting on literally everything instant, I need more macro space.

#Showtooltip Camouflage
/cast [combat] widow venom
/cast [nocombat] Camouflage

Same gear/stats. Hit then crit crit crit.

Honestly, nothing much has changed as far as hunter mechanics. A few fixes here and there, and few breaks. You may get frustrated with the disengage nerf they gave us on accident.

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