Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mists Black Arrow.

Am I reading this tool-tip right? 1,055% wep damage up front and another 4.2k over 20 seconds, applying the dot to all targets in its path, no cool-down, 40 focus, 40 yard range.

Is that right?
I believe that the wep damage is a tooltip error.
Yeah, let's hope they don't notice untill MoP is released.
If it's not a tooltip error, we'd be 1-shotting people with that.

It's a tooltip error. Trust me.
I figured it was an error. Just putting it out there for others and blizz to see.
I don't see why people concern themselves with placeholder modifiers when there's a second paragraph to Black Arrow that makes it absolutely incredible.
it's less the the damage it's the AoE. It'll be awesome

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