Hey forum, I just re-worked my talents to focus more on DPS for raiding. My Ilvl is currently 372 and I am still only pulling around 15k in Raids. I set up MM with a Aim shot, Aim shot, Steady, steady, steady, serpent sting, chimera, steady, steady, aim, etc. Is there something someone can suggest that I am possibly doing wrong? All of my items are enhanced with gems and I have attached a scope to my main weapon, I can't really seem to get above 15k, I cap around 17 with CD's. Appreciate any advice here. Thanks everyone!
Never use a gem that is not pure +40 agility, unless it's a +20agi/20crit or +20agi/20hit to fill a single yellow or blue socket, and only if the socket bonus is +20 agility. You are missing just about every enchant there is to miss, a scope isn't the only item enhancement available. You don't need Hunter vs. Wild, get Pathing.
Your wolf pet spec is pretty ugly. Change it to something like this:
Use your cooldowns - rapid fire, readiness, call of the wild, roar of recovery (cunning) - frequently.
There are plenty of guides around. The stickies in these forums for example ([Sticky] Marksman PVE Guide (4.1) - or the Survival one). Read through them.
In addition to better gems and enchants, you have too much hit rating. You only need 8% for raids so reforge out of hit and into crit, or where crit is already available forge into haste.
If you click on your own armory, you'd see this.
Character Audit
9 unenchanted items
1 non-Mail item
Missing Ebonsteel Belt Buckle
No items have been reforged.
Of the gems you do have, almost all of them are only WotLK level. On top of that, most of them are the wrong flavor.
Glyph of Steady Shot should not be used with your BM spec and more stamina (Hunter vs Wild) does not help your MM spec.
All these questions are answered in your handy-dandy sticky threads!
check out warcraft hunters union. it will tell you priority shots and such
I also don't like your rotation. For MM at your haste level (can't advise on other spec) you should be able to get 4 steady shots and 2 arcanes in just as chimera shot comes off of cooldown. You can hard cast aimed shot instead of arcane if you'd like, but you cannot cast while on the move.
Get rid of chimera shot glyph and replace with kill shot glyph then do all the things everyone else has told you above.
what are the stat priorities my steady shot is at a 1.73 cast time and i have 33% crit and 13.53 of mastery in mm?
what is a good rotation for MM i do like 30k-35k but i am ilvl 392
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