[:1]Then I decided to hit my spec switch macro back to marks and went from 20k+ to 30k+ dps. BM is really fun, the AoE pets are fun, Kill command is fun (when you're on a pet friendly fight...).
Imo losing 2 rapid fires worth of aimed shot crits cannot be regained with low cooldown bestial wraths. It doesn't matter what target, whether it be a heroic boss, or a LFR boss. Anyway feel free to criticise me or give me tips. Honestly can't figure out how to play BM for fun and profit.
I would recommend switching the hand enchant for the +20 agility and getting your cloak enchant. But since you just received your cloak I'll let that one pass. :) I'm not too familiar with BM but I know that when there are adds in the boss fight your DPS will suffer due to the poor aoe damage output. In 4.3 I remember there was a buff to pets AOE damage. Just not sure if it's enough to put BM back near MM/SV.
Survival or gtfo ?
BM in PvP and MM in PvE. Then you can keep having fun with BM (if you're hitting 30k DPS in BGs with MM then my hat is off to you, but I seriously doubt that will happen). You will have two gear sets in that case and you won't have to keep reforging your stats every time you switch specs. Then you can keep two PvP pets, two PvE, and your tank pet for whenever you need it.
That's how I roll, and I have a lot of fun doing it.
A properly played BM can do an amazing amount of dps. Unfortunately yes, those fights that aren't pet friendly can and will hurt us. But i have a blast with it and won't stop any time soon. (Before i get flamed for my chest lacking a gem, it's probably coming tomorrow. Gems got expensive as hell when 4.3 hit).
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