Saturday, April 21, 2012

BM, couple of questions

I was trying to increase my range haste to speed up my cobra shot. When I activate Rapid Shot CS goes like crazy. My goal was to match that or try to. I stacked a lot of haste today and still it fire slow as hell. Is there a way to make CS cast faster or is it at a set speed?
My second question is as BM should I prioritize Mastery over, say, crit when grabbing gear/trinkets? I am undecided as to what to swap out as rolls come down the line. I carry 15k dps now and want to know if mastery will raise it a bit, I would like to see 18-20k steady.I don't raid so don't say hit raids because work prevents that from ever happening. Thanks in advance.
Cobra Shot gets faster with Haste.

BM's stat priority however is Agility > Hit 8% > Criticial Strike > Mastery > Haste.
ok thnx

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