Thursday, April 12, 2012

DPS for heroic ultraxion.

[:1]hey guys just wanted to do find a rough gauge as to what kind of dps is expected for my level of gear. please post your:

1. stable dps for h ultraxion
2. ilevel spec
3. any food buffs
4. any other additional comments or rough description of how u usually start n go about the fight.

for example, for myself, it would look like this:

1. 33k dps
2. 392 sv hunt
3. well fed, flask of winds
4. asp of hawk, mark, I start off with ES, SerpS, black arrow, pop rapid fire and do 3 cobras before dumping focus with ArcS. during LnL procs I alt btw ES and AS if my focus is 60+, otherwise I'll use a CS to get my focus up. I also keep my wolf pet by my side on passive so it gets heals, n cast the howling thingy that increases crit chance by 5% (45sec cd). previously was using lfr wrath of unchaining and normal star catcher compass, but I recently got a vial so I'll be using that and wrath of unchaining in future.

looking forward to hearing ur comments!
1. 34k (lowest) - 39k (highest)
2. 398 SV
3. +90 agility (food), +300 agility (flask)
4. MD to start, mark, Serpent, Explosive, Black Arrow. We lust in the beginning so I can fire around 4 CS in an ES cooldown (I avoid Arcane so my 4pc and lust don't stack). When lust is about to wear out (Around the first Hour) I'll use RF and continue my rotation. Once Rapid Fire is about up, I start using Arcane Shot. Subbing in Kill Command for the 4th Cobra is something I do every once in awhile, though I don't know if CS x3, Kill is better than CS x4. My stupid Compass pops when I'm lusted, usually.

I recently learned that Rabid, a ferocity pet talent, is bugged on Ultraxion. I confirmed this during Sunday's raid and bound it to my Cobra Shot.

Pre-pot for lust and use it again once your 4pc comes off cooldown and activates a second time, or use it when he dips below 20% health for better burst damage towards the end.

Don't test the Fading Light or Hour timers too much. I've hit the button with .9 seconds left and exited on time, and I've been killed as well. Just play it safe and hit it between 1-2 seconds left on either.
Just curious but why is your pet on passive instead of attacking where when it shouldnt take any damage

1. 39k
2. 399
3. 90 agi food and 300 agi flask
4. hunters mark, prepot agi potion, open with serp then black arrow then explosive. pop all cds and do a couple cobras then focus dump with arcane. pop 2nd agi potion around the 25%ish percent mark during heroism. I also soak the first and 4th hour with detterence
No reason to keep your pet from attacking. :3

1. 39k - 43.4k
2. 398
3. 90 agi 30 agi flask
4. Always prepot and always be thinking of your next cast before you need to hit it.
I'd recommend having your healers phase out and heroism everyone else in the first seconds of the fight (where no fading lights are going out), then heroisming the healers at ~20%.
Also always stack your 2nd pot with your major cooldowns.
I.e. Wait for staff proc, use trinket, RF, and pet ap buff.
ah I see.. my raid lusts at start too, so it makes sense to use rf only after lust ends. u said u don't cast AS to not proc ur t13 4pc haste but then what do u use I focus dump?

I find that making my pet attack ultrax kills it somehow. too engrossed with fading light HoT soaking HoT etc to notice exactly when this occurs but yea, by the end the pet is usually dead haha. I figured there's a lot of raid dmg going on and it just gets caught in the crossfire somewhere.
He presumably lets it cap because CS is more dps than arcaneshot at high amounts of haste is my guess. I haven't tried that.
1: 44k
2: 402
3: food/flask
Are you running 10 or 25 man? There are major differences. The largest one being the 10 man dps requirement is an absolute joke, and therefore you'll only get one rapid fire phase in as survival. 25 man usually pushes close to the 6 minute mark, my raid is at the 5:45 mark or so for clean attempts.
For 25 man, I start with Kiril(n) equipped, and pre-pot with .5-1 second left on his timer. Healers fade, bloodlust goes off. We have one hunter as the designated marker so the rest of us don't waste globals. ExS, BA, SS, and then I pop troll racial (10s). As soon as Kiril starts stacking I switch to Spire(H). Once berserk is over I rapid fire. Yes, I'm massively over haste cap for the first 30-40 seconds of the fight, but getting a second rapid fire at the end is a huge DPS gain. During the first 20-30 seconds of the fight you barely have to fire any cobras since haste is so ludicrously high. Obvious stuff goes next, zerking with engineering every time it's available as long as an hour isn't imminent, yadda yadda ya. At the 5:15ish mark I'll be able to rapid fire again during the execute phase, and DPS really takes a nice upturn when it matters most.
10 man is a completely different beast. Fights are ludicrously short since they're either two healed or solo healed. I still use the kiril/spire switch, but I save rapid fire until execute phase since it's only going to happen once. I still zerk right off the bat due to having a pre-pot up, Whether or not this is a DPS gain would be entirely dependent on fight length and whether or not I could get an extra zerking off if I waited. If you're in a dps challenged 10 man make sure you save your second pot for your rapid fire execute phase, it's a nice DPS gain.
1. 41k

2. 395 il

3. forutne cookie and flask.

Make sure your using the right pet for the fight. wolf if you have no rogue. cat if no warrior or dk. serpent if no boomy or lock. youll get more dmg if you have all your buffs, also make sure you have rabid on your pet bar so you can activate. i dont pre pot and then pot again, i probably should since it would spike me higher but im already running 41k on 10 man. Stay dedicated to your rotation, swap out aracane shot for kill command as a focus dump during the lust phase
ah I see.. my raid lusts at start too, so it makes sense to use rf only after lust ends. u said u don't cast AS to not proc ur t13 4pc haste but then what do u use I focus dump?

I find that making my pet attack ultrax kills it somehow. too engrossed with fading light HoT soaking HoT etc to notice exactly when this occurs but yea, by the end the pet is usually dead haha. I figured there's a lot of raid dmg going on and it just gets caught in the crossfire somewhere.

I do let it cap most of the time during that beginning part, even though I really don't want to waste all that focus. I have used Kill Command to dump focus, however when lust and my haste trinket are both active, Cobra fires ridiculously fast. Not sure which one of the two is a better option, but I'm sure it's better than using Arcane and accidentally giving myself an additional 30% speed buff.

Your pet should be attacking, as they are actually a good chunk of your DPS. I have seen my pet die a few times, and I'm not sure why, but it hasn't happened for awhile.
1. 42.5k to 44.5k

2. 401 ilevel

3. Well Fed, Flask, Fully raid buffed 25man.

I'll post more details when not this tired @_@
im running 10 men and im looking to improve my dps. somehow my pet ends up dead at ultrax not sure why, so instead of making it die at least i get 5% increased crit. i guess i'll try n continue to send my pet to attack. i know it does a good chunk of dps.

my raid has a rogue, lock, warrior and dk. haha so which pet should i use then? i usually just stick to wolf.

i know where im losing dps, sometimes when LnL procs i don't have enough focus and i STILL alternate the free ES with arcane shot (doh!).

but wow Inkarran 41k dps 395 with no pots. that's something for me to strive for. funny though your armory says u haven't done heroic ultrax before =/

yes i macro my synapse springs on SS, which is cast on the pull and every then manually every cd.

i hope everyone's gaining as much valuable info on sv hunter dps as i am with this thread! cheers to u pros
1: 44k
2: 402
3: food/flask
Are you running 10 or 25 man? There are major differences. The largest one being the 10 man dps requirement is an absolute joke, and therefore you'll only get one rapid fire phase in as survival. 25 man usually pushes close to the 6 minute mark, my raid is at the 5:45 mark or so for clean attempts.
For 25 man, I start with Kiril(n) equipped, and pre-pot with .5-1 second left on his timer. Healers fade, bloodlust goes off. We have one hunter as the designated marker so the rest of us don't waste globals. ExS, BA, SS, and then I pop troll racial (10s). As soon as Kiril starts stacking I switch to Spire(H). Once berserk is over I rapid fire. Yes, I'm massively over haste cap for the first 30-40 seconds of the fight, but getting a second rapid fire at the end is a huge DPS gain. During the first 20-30 seconds of the fight you barely have to fire any cobras since haste is so ludicrously high. Obvious stuff goes next, zerking with engineering every time it's available as long as an hour isn't imminent, yadda yadda ya. At the 5:15ish mark I'll be able to rapid fire again during the execute phase, and DPS really takes a nice upturn when it matters most.
10 man is a completely different beast. Fights are ludicrously short since they're either two healed or solo healed. I still use the kiril/spire switch, but I save rapid fire until execute phase since it's only going to happen once. I still zerk right off the bat due to having a pre-pot up, Whether or not this is a DPS gain would be entirely dependent on fight length and whether or not I could get an extra zerking off if I waited. If you're in a dps challenged 10 man make sure you save your second pot for your rapid fire execute phase, it's a nice DPS gain.

how do u possibly equip stuff during fight?? i wasn't aware that this could be done!
Because you could always switch weps in combat.
wouldnt switch from kiril to spire fu*k up your hit cap either a lot lower or higher?

1. 41-42k
2.399 ilvl
3.90 agi food
4.I start off with hunter's mark and MDing the tank. I prepot my tolvir potion then serpent sting. On pull we pop pop hero/lust at the start so i save rapid fire but i pop my engineering gloves and call of the wild. then i ES and BA. i usually pop rapid fire when i can pop my 2nd tolvir potion and use it with my engineering tinker
I doubt switching kiril is worth it. It does cost a GCD. Rapid firing at the start is ok IF the fight will last long enough for a second. It is mathematically impossible for one rapid fire to out dps two. Even if the gain has diminished returns.

4. MD to start, mark, Serpent, Explosive, Black Arrow. We lust in the beginning so I can fire around 4 CS in an ES cooldown (I avoid Arcane so my 4pc and lust don't stack). When lust is about to wear out (Around the first Hour) I'll use RF and continue my rotation. Once Rapid Fire is about up, I start using Arcane Shot. Subbing in Kill Command for the 4th Cobra is something I do every once in awhile, though I don't know if CS x3, Kill is better than CS x4. My stupid Compass pops when I'm lusted, usually.

I'm curious how holding off on Arcane provides any benefit. You figure you spend the first minute of the fight under a large haste effect (Hero/RF), if the 4pc procs early, it will be back up shortly after your RF ends. In the end, all you end up doing is costing yourself by focus capping and lower uptime on Sic'Em.

my raid has a rogue, lock, warrior and dk. haha so which pet should i use then? i usually just stick to wolf.

Telling us who is in your raid doesn't help all that much, need more specifics. a WoL would be good, or just tell us the classes/specs (yes, include the healers and tanks, they matter).

but wow Inkarran 41k dps 395 with no pots. that's something for me to strive for. funny though your armory says u haven't done heroic ultrax before =/

There isn't much of a difference between Heroic Ultraxion and Normal, it's a bit longer of a fight and you have a higher chance to eat fading lights. By the mid 390s you should be capable of close to, if not more than, 40k.

Make sure your using the right pet for the fight. wolf if you have no rogue. cat if no warrior or dk. serpent if no boomy or lock.

I think you need to do a bit more research on who covers what buff.

Rogues don't provide the wolf buff, it's given by Feral Druids and Fury Warriors.

Cat buff is provided by Shamans in addition to Warriors and DKs.

Serpent debuff is also covered by Assassination Rogues and Unholy DKs.

You left out ravager, which is covered by Combat Rogues, Frost DKs and Arms Warriors.
44k heroic 10 man at ilvl 395
46-47k 25 man at ilvl 399

also from my experience the difference between normal and heroic is usually like 500-1000 dps difference. not much difference as someone stated above.

(my account has an authenticator and i left it at home, hijacked my gf's account to post xD)

Make sure your using the right pet for the fight. wolf if you have no rogue. cat if no warrior or dk. serpent if no boomy or lock.

I think you need to do a bit more research on who covers what buff.

Rogues don't provide the wolf buff, it's given by Feral Druids and Fury Warriors.

Cat buff is provided by Shamans in addition to Warriors and DKs.

Serpent debuff is also covered by Assassination Rogues and Unholy DKs.

You left out ravager, which is covered by Combat Rogues, Frost DKs and Arms Warriors.

Pretty sure that a sub rogue also brings 5% crit. That said, if we're strictly talking about H-Ultra, bringing sub rogues into the discussion is pretty irrelevant.

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