[:1]I'm about to start soloing WotLK heroics for the achievements and wanted to start doing the boss achievements for "Glory of the Hero" as well. The first I tried was "Zombiefest!" and it didn't go so well. I'm going to try it again with some bandages and healing pots, but 85 zombie's beating on me was a bit too much.
I'm wondering though as I'm going through the list of achievements if a BM spec might be better for soloing them. The healing in the talents and a spirit beast might be what I need to do some of them solo. Anyone have any suggestions for specs as I try these achievements or are some of them just not well suited for solo hunters?
What specs are you using?
surv would probably be best for zombiefest, but why are they beating on you?
I was using my survival build the first day, but felt like MM would be a good next try because of readiness. It seems like the strat is to gather up the the first 85 and kill them by the rear alley and then finish off another 15. Deterrence twice + a few disengages helps, but they still end up beating on me and I don't survive the 85 zombies hitting me for 400+ damage each.
Is there another strat? I can kill them pretty fast, but they are spread out enough that I don't think I can do it in multiple groups.
Deleted by Cambion
TBH, I think either BM or Surv would be good, as long as you're not pulling anything off your hunter in BM, but the Entrapment from Surv is pretty nice for keeping some distance between you and the zombies.
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