Saturday, April 14, 2012

Disengage Broken!

[:1]I understand that one of the major fixes for the patch 4.3 was to fix jumping warrior stuns. Which I do believe you guys did a good job in fixing, but this did create a problem with one of the hunters abilities. Disengage. Since it's a "jump back" it is effected by this update in stun and incapacitate effects.

For instance, If I get charged as soon as I activate my disengage ability, 1) I will go nowhere 2) I cooldown is wasted. Another thing, If I get charged mid air while in a disengage, I drop straight down like a rock instead to doing the full length of the jump.

And since Blizzard did an overall fix for this kind of situation it is affected by all kinds of stuns and incapacitate effects, such as gouge.

It's getting quite annoying when hunter can't seem to get away, feels like the days before we had disengage.

In my opinion the way to fix this would be to exempt disengage from this, "Jumping stun\incapacitate" block, and only apply it to the physical action of pressing down your space bar button to jump.
I feel like since it was an overall fix, disengage was accidentally effected. I think with how they fixed it, basically, if you get snared or stunned you fall to the ground from your current position, rather than finishing the jump, this glitch isnt fixable.
The obvious hotfix to this would be to reduce the cooldown on disengage by 15 seconds.
Unfortunately this is probably going to result in disengage finally being changed to do a different spell effect other then jumping back wards. I am not looking forward to this, goodbye disengage parachute.

Or maybe nothing happens at all, either way people are being affected. :/
The change to how disengage works now, is literally game breaking for me.

I fail to see why it should not work when the button is pushed, vanish works, blink works, charge works (out of slowes mind you).

This is just another nail in the hunter coffin, sad thing is we are about to run out of wood to have nails hammered into.
I wish, we'd finally be able to get away from feral druids. That cat jump is ridiculous...
no one gets away from ferals

and when i say no one i mean frost mages

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