Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pet Feign Death

[:1]Our pets should feign death when we do. It just makes sense...
Sure, that would be great for BGs....

I wouldn't have that telltale seagull flapping over my pretend-dead corpse.
Tame a bear.

#showtooltip Feign Death
/cast Feign Death
/cast Rest
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Tame a bear.

#showtooltip Feign Death
/cast Feign Death
/cast Rest
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Too bad rest doesn't fool npcs. Which is all I really care about.
I kind of hoped they'd make a glyph that caused our pets to feign when we did. However, the only problem that would cause is when you're solo'ing and accidentally pull aggro off your pet. What do you do? You feign. And normally the mob would just go back to your pet, and you'd get back up and start shooting again.

With the pet feigning as well, the mob would reset. Now I know, most normal mobs are dead before they realize I'm there, but I tend to solo old world content, including Kara for the mount, and other old raids for the money. Should I accidentally jump ahead of my pet, my threat dump all of a sudden becomes a boss reset. Same thing with AoE'ing mobs. A few of them pull from your pet due to Multi-Shot and you either have them beating down on you, or force a reset.

It's a cool idea, but the cons outweigh the pros in terms of PvE. For PvP sure, I could see it as a good idea, which is why if they decide to make the change it should be in the form of a glyph. NOT a class change.
I think this would be a cool glyph.
I kind of hoped they'd make a glyph that caused our pets to feign when we did. However, the only problem that would cause is when you're solo'ing and accidentally pull aggro off your pet. What do you do? You feign. And normally the mob would just go back to your pet, and you'd get back up and start shooting again.

With the pet feigning as well, the mob would reset. Now I know, most normal mobs are dead before they realize I'm there, but I tend to solo old world content, including Kara for the mount, and other old raids for the money. Should I accidentally jump ahead of my pet, my threat dump all of a sudden becomes a boss reset. Same thing with AoE'ing mobs. A few of them pull from your pet due to Multi-Shot and you either have them beating down on you, or force a reset.

It's a cool idea, but the cons outweigh the pros in terms of PvE. For PvP sure, I could see it as a good idea, which is why if they decide to make the change it should be in the form of a glyph. NOT a class change.

Cool idea. If its a glyph you can replace it or just not use it on you PvE spec. I cant count the number of times my pet has kept me in combat when I needed to be out of it.
I think if they made it a castable pet ability - something like "Play Dead" - it would be useful.

I wouldn't want it to feign everytime I did though because sometimes I feign so aggro goes back to my pet.
Add Beast Mastery to the BM spec choice and make pet feign the top level talent... or move BW up the line.
Except, when you die, your pet despawns. It does not show up as a corpse.

So, what you want is something that would dismiss your pet when you FD.
Usually FD is used to drop aggro on our behalf, so having the pet also drop aggro doesnt make any sense in my opinion. It would cause all sorts of problems soloing; pet tanking would be moot. For PvP I can see it being useful, but thats about the only place I can imagine it being used to effect.

Interesting idea though.

Nubilus, FD does not make you literally die.

Edit: Oops, I should have read down. This point has already been made~!
Funny Story, I was doing ZA last night and the tank went down in like 6 sec, i feign death, the boss kills everyone else and my cat fought him for like 30 sec.
Usually FD is used to drop aggro on our behalf, so having the pet also drop aggro doesnt make any sense in my opinion. It would cause all sorts of problems soloing; pet tanking would be moot. For PvP I can see it being useful, but thats about the only place I can imagine it being used to effect.

Interesting idea though.

Nubilus, FD does not make you literally die.

Edit: Oops, I should have read down. This point has already been made~!

(Nubilus is me) Yeah, I know that. But, in PvP, anybody that is paying attention should notice if your pet despawned or not to determine if you FD'ed or actually died.

I've fooled my share of noobs who were sitting there wondering why the heck this rabid wolf was chewing on them after they "killed" me.
I'd go with the Play Dead schematic. Make a new spell called Play Dead and give it a reticule. Sort of like telling your pet "Go here and play dead", that way it doesn't re-aggro stuff.
I want hunters to play like a 1st person shooter it just makes sense

I wish 7 month old threads could play dead well enough to be ignored.

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